It's not about art - this is WP and this is supposed to be an image that is demonstrating a scientific phenomenon.Capital photographer ( talk) 10:11, 3 June 2008 (UTC) Reply But what is the "correct" aperture and would having the body in focus add anything? Artistic difference I guess.Having it all in focus would only improve it and make it more detailed and interesting. I stand by the fact that the shot would look better if the photographer had chosen the correct aperture. I don't think that the shallow DOF was a deliberate effect.Capital photographer ( talk) 06:43, 3 June 2008 (UTC) Reply The inclusion of the body would not add anything significant and the shallow DOF enhances the viewers focus.

Scorpion with black light full#
If it were full colour and intended to illustrate the creature rather than this effect, then it would be an issue. Given the focus of the image, I don't see the DOF as a problem. Why? The point of this shot isn't to provide an encyclopedic full view of the body, but rather to illustrate this unique effect.Papa Lima Whiskey ( talk) 10:53, 2 June 2008 (UTC) Reply I'm not sure how you would illustrate this very significant property of the scorpion carapace in any other way.The body is out of focus, and it'd be a poor representation of a scorpion. Weak Oppose Deliciously creepy image, but I find the very shallow depth-of-field seriously distracting.Capital photographer ( talk) 00:57, (UTC) Reply

Neutral I don't mind that the body is out of focus, this isn't a full body shot after all, the emphasis is on the front half.Oppose the back half of the scorpion is blurry.Support as nominator - Papa Lima Whiskey ( talk) 00:30, (UTC) Reply.Articles this image appears in Scorpion, black light Creator Jonbeebe Reason It's something different on creepy-crawlies - educational, but different. In normal lighting this scorpion appears black, but it glows under some ultraviolet wavelengths. Original - A scorpion under a blacklight.